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Due to rising shipping costs, free shipping will now apply to orders of $350 or more starting March 15, 2025.

What's New at TKB Trading

  • June 26, 2015

    The Universe Brought Me a Building

    ... back in 2010. I thought I'd share that story.

    Like everyone else, TKB started out in a basement.  That was way back in 1995.  Over the years, the basement expanded into a bedroom and then from a bedroom into a flat. 

    We were in that flat for a long time. Van studied for her citizenship exam there. I would yell to her over the boxes "What are the three Branches of government?" or "Who are our...
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  • June 22, 2009

    Reading All Plaques Makes you Green

    My father is the ultimate plaque reader. As a child, we marked road trips not by miles but by plaques read. Those "off road" historical markers? The ones that you saw beat-up, kid-smeared green station wagons turning out for? The ones that you happily disregarded ? Yeah. We read 'em.

    No wonder then, that on Father's Day this year, I felt compelled to read a plaque. It was early evening...
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  • June 18, 2009

    Color Blending till the Cows Come Home

    I've had a week of color blending. Swatching colors across my forearm and fingers so many times during the day that my skin is a little raw.

    I just spent four hours "duping" a single color, and I am awed. That I get to have such a great job, that it took me so long, that I actually succeeded.

    Here's what I've learned so far:
    • A single blend probably consists of no more than 5 elements.
    • Start with...
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