Microfine Glitter Collection
14 colors sold in a set! Excellent for various craft projects.
You may also purchase the colors individually.
Most of these glitters are not recommended for use in nail polish as they are not solvent resistant.
The Black Glitter is not permitted for use in cosmetics as it contains Carbon Black (Pigment Black 6).
- Details
- What's included?
- Consumer Warnings
14 colors sold in a set. You may also purchase the colors individually.
Most of these glitters are NOT recommended for use in nail polish as they are NOT solvent resistant.
The Black Glitter is NOT permitted for use in cosmetics as it contains Carbon Black (Pigment Black 6).
This collection includes: Black,Brass,Copper,Chartreuse,Gold,Green,Holographic,Lavender,Red,Rose, Purple, Silver, Snow White, White Diamond Glitter.
While the FDA doesn't formally permit polyester glitter in cosmetics, the issue is under review and so they allow it. For more information, read our faq: https://support.tkbtrading.com/hc/en-us/articles/360023616472-Glitter-in-Cosmetics.
This particular product is made with a cosmetic grade pigment. Holographic and Silver glitter contain aluminum and you may wish to not use them in lip products.