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New USPS Rate Increase Coming in January. The US Postal Service is raising rates on January 19, 2025.
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New USPS Rate Increase Coming in January. The US Postal Service is raising rates on January 19, 2025.
Please visit to learn more.

Van is a graduate

TKB's key employee is Van Nguyen. She is the shipping and packing supervisor for our company. Van grew up in Vietnam and dropped out of high school to support her family by selling fresh fruits on the streets of downtown Saigon. In her early 30's she emigrated to the USA to make a better life for herself.

Because Van is distantly related by marriage to my husband, I hired her as soon as she arrived. She didn't speak a word of English but she was a hard worker.

Over the years, we have celebrated many milestones as every semester she plugged away at the local community college, determined to be the first in her family to get a college degree.

Today, eight years later, she has achieved her goal. We are proud of Van and lucky to have such a great role model in our lives.
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